Sunday, March 15, 2009

spring cleaning: donate those prom dresses!

While my parents were moving over the summer, I came across all my old dresses from high school dances of days past and pondered as to their true destination. I couldn't see myself dropping off my precious garments at a GoodWill or heaven forbid, in the garbage can.......but where would they go? After trying to justify saving them for the 5th year in a row (5 years+ since I graduated from HS), I decided to donate them to a worthy cause.

Lauren, Rebecca, and I before our Senior Prom.

So last month, I donated 6 of my formal dresses to Meredith College's "Cinderella Project." Meredith College's Fashion Association sets up a "store" at Cary Towne Center where girls from area high schools can come to choose a prom dress after receiving a coupon from their school's guidance counselor. I have to admit I felt a little sad when I left them, but then I thought of the 6 girls that would be having just as much fun in those dresses as I did. So if you find yourself in need of some closet space and that tulle is just taking up too much room, DONATE IT!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's Play Catch-up....

So here are some of the things I've been up to over the past six months.......IN PICTURE FORM :)

September: I started PT school!

September: I TILTED on the National Mall.

October: I went to Michigan to see Robert in RENT.

October: We had a Disney-themed Halloween Party!

November: I came home for Thanksgiving :)

December: We had a RIDICULOUS Holiday Party!

January: I went to the Inauguration of OBAMA!!!!

February: I went to PULSE in Atlanta again.

February: I went to my first CSM in Vegas.

February & March: I survived my first snowstorms!